This video I'm gonna be sharing with you three manifestation signs that you should never ignore. I'm gonna share with you ways of using them in a powerful way, doing the right things at the right time so that you are guaranteed to get the manifestation you want to experience. Music, welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now, in this video, I'm gonna be sharing with you those three manifestation signs you should never ignore, and there are also things that maybe a lot of people don't think about in the form of how the manifestation process works. Now, when it comes to us creating what we want, a lot of it has to do with our focus, has to do with our intention, has to do with our momentum, which comes from our focus. And when we start to put enough energy into a certain direction, we're going to start to get signs of that manifesting in our life. But what happens is sometimes people misinterpret those signs, and what they do is they give up. They either withdraw their energy or they focus on something else, and they start to let that momentum die. So, for the manifestation process in general, something that's important to understand is that the most important thing is the energy state of being that you remain in throughout the whole process. Because if you start to feel an elevated emotion, if you're doing what you're passionate about and you're feeling good, but then you stop and you switch how you feel, then what you do is you're kind of saying that I don't believe this can happen and I don't believe it will happen. So instead, what you want to do is make it a...
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