Civet II. The explanation for gravity is that matter bends space. So when you put mass in a place in space, it warps space-time and objects are not feeling the force of gravity, they're just following the natural curvature. This sheet of lycra is an example of how the space-time can warp. You can get a sheet like this from a spandex store. It may cost around 20 bucks, maybe even less depending on the sale. When you put matter and it warps space-time, if there is another object, it also warps space-time and they are attracted to each other. Einstein's picture of gravity is that objects warp space and other objects feel that curvature and move accordingly. The more mass an object has, the more it will bend space-time. In reality, larger masses would also feel the warping of space-time caused by smaller masses. However, we usually ignore these small effects, like how the Earth makes the Sun move a little bit. Similarly, the moon makes the Earth wobble around its center, but these are typically not considered when looking at satellite motion. Instead of just letting an object go in space, if you give it a sideways push, it will orbit. Over time, it will lose energy and spiral inwards. This wouldn't typically happen in the solar system due to other perturbations from planets and such. When studying the solar system, all the planets are orbiting around the Sun in the same direction. This is because the early solar system had a slight preference for objects moving in one direction, and those moving in the opposite direction were eliminated. The analogy of having slightly more marbles in one hand and giving them out so that they spread out helps understand this concept. This preference for motion in one...