Hello everyone welcome to e-file Lima and user for external filers my name is Kimberley black and I'm a training and development specialist at the state court administration office I work in Court Services business education unit for today's session we are going to show you how to e-file and you serve in EFS this session again is for external filers these are these are the objectives for today's training we are going to discuss the register users file and guide and other important documents we're going to identify the roles within EFS there are three roles in EFS for administrator firm user and independent user we're going to explain how to prepare your documents and we're going to demonstrate how to sign up as a service contact when you use the EFS system you will need to register and also sign up as a service contact we're going to show you how to e-file into a new case an existing case and you serve only we will also review where you find the EFS training materials on the Minnesota judicial branch website I always like to start out by talking about the internet and computer requirements for EFS we recommend that you have a high speed internet connection for in the browser studying's you may want to use Internet Explorer 9 or above you can use Chrome or Safari with the EFS system there is a special link to the Chrome and Safari application I will be showing you where to find this link a little bit later in this presentation we do recommend you use Internet Explorer 9 or above during this training we will be showing you how to use EFS with Internet Explorer 9 and above before we show you how to eat violent user there...