Music, much of our past programming, is hardwired into our physical system. This can keep us stuck in specific perceptions and behaviors. Our neural pathways are established connections within the brain that fire according to these programs and the stimulation they receive. However, if these connections dictate patterns in our lives that we don't like, they can be changed to create new patterns that relate to new perceptions and new behavior. Some of these patterns serve us well and there's no need to change them, but some of them block our progress towards the things we want. They dictate our relationship with everything we experience in our world, and if something that isn't ideal is happening, it will be because of a pattern and perception we've developed from our past. For example, if a person is constantly thinking of how they don't have enough money, then the neural pathway that has been created regarding money will always leave this person with a perception and belief of lack and limitation. On the other side of the coin, if a person constantly focuses on happiness through their thoughts and feeling states, they strengthen the neural pathways that relate to happiness, and those will become dominant in the mind. Every thought and feeling we have strengthens the neural pathways that we have developed, which in turn dictates what we believe to be true. As a result, we radiate a specific vibrational frequency that is in alignment with our beliefs and attract the things that match those beliefs into our lives. With repetition and consistency, the brain can reestablish new neural pathways and signals within the brain. As a small example, when we change our routines or decide to do something differently, we promote the growth of new neural pathways. You can compare these...