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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Can Form 8815 Rt

Instructions and Help about Can Form 8815 Rt

Now with all this talk of foreign meddling, you would think that the activities of a Hungarian billionaire pouring money into American politics might get more mainstream media play. George Soros is a longtime liberal money man, and right now he's trying to influence the election of District Attorneys across the United States. Basically, he's pouring money into the campaigns of prosecutors he thinks will enforce the law in line with his liberal politics. My name is Noah Phillips, and I'm running for District Attorney. We've got some work and healing to do to rebuild trust so we can keep Sacramento safe for everyone. Now, getting supported by George Soros isn't always a plus. The man has plenty of detractors. What is the out-of-state billionaire funding Noah Phillips' campaign not telling us? Noah Phillips unethical, dangerous, wrong for DA? George Soros has been sticking his nose into politics around the world for decades. He started out funding anti-communist dissidents during the late period of the Cold War. More recently, he's been backing Best for Britain, an anti-Brexit group in the UK. We've got one mission, and that is to try and stop Brexit. Say George Soros' foundations have, along with a number of other major donors, also made significant contributions to our work. Indeed, through his foundations, he's contributed four hundred thousand pounds. He's been working to try and repeal the abortion laws in Ireland. His activities there have actually been deemed illegal, with Amnesty International being ordered by the authorities to return his donations. But that hasn't stopped him or even given him pause in trying to influence the politics of a foreign country. That is just another example of outside interference by moneyed interests in very, very delicate and intimate matters concerning our citizens and their own culture. Soros recently experienced a...