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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Can Form 8815 Wont

Instructions and Help about Can Form 8815 Wont

This video is sponsored by brilliant. The first 200 people to use the link in the description will get 20% off their annual premium subscription. Self-driving cars are coming, maybe in two years or maybe in 20, but someday the steering wheel will fade into history like Jell-O salad and these weird coasters. The elderly and disabled will have cheap convenient transportation. Instead of racing to work, you'll sit back, relax, and generate ad revenue for me. Crashes will go from unfortunate reality to rare tragedy when three technologies converge: self-driving, electric, and shared cars. The problem of how to get from A to B will pretty much be solved. For the 68% of us living in cities, there will be no need to own a car. In this world, transportation is a service waiting on every street corner, no waiting, hailing, or repairing. Of course, convenience is nothing new. The real force of progress is economic. Without the cost of drivers and gasoline, prices fall dramatically. They won't just be faster, easier, safer, and better for the planet, but also affordable for everyone. The car will become the ideal form of transport, not despite its cost, but in part because of it. And that's the problem. More cars means more congestion, more parking, more challenges for cities. You might be thinking, sure, automation can solve them, perhaps. But mass transportation is a very complicated and political equation. It's not that self-driving cars are bad, exactly the opposite. It's that so much optimism hides real obstacles, or at the very least, question marks on the road to the city of the future. Like many technologies individually, self-driving cars are great. Collectively, they have all kinds of unexpected consequences. Everything about them we hear through the lens of technology. And when...