Hi guys, my name is Mitts and I just want to show you how to make a simple spreadsheet in Excel that will add up your columns automatically. Now, I'm using Microsoft Excel 2007, but some of the things can apply to 2003 or 2010, or whatever, so you should be alright. Okay, so what I'm going to do first is click in the cell here. Let's say, for example, that we're just going to make a little spreadsheet on how much money a small business can make. Let's just call it a coffee van for now. We're just going to do the sales for each month. Okay, so basically that's the title for it. Now, what we're going to do is go down to the first cell. I'm just going to quickly show you a simple one. So, we're going to go January. Now, what I'm going to do is drag this cell across, and it'll fill it in for me. Okay, so January, February, March, April, May. Okay, so it filled it in for me, that's fine. Okay, so down the side, I'm going to write some products that the coffee van sells. So, we've got coffee, cake, hot food, and doughnuts. So, we've got four things there. In January, let's say I sold $1,200 worth of coffee, $300 worth of cake, $500 of hot food, and $400 of doughnuts. Okay, so we'll just fill the table in. These would be your actual takings that you've got. So, for example, we'll fill it in right. Now we've got our table filled out. You'd usually use the right words, like takings, or whatever, but that's fine. Okay, so what we're going to do now is we're going to make a column down here and call it "totals". We want the totals of...
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