Hi, I'm Rich Bora, the careers consultant at Nottingham Trent University. In this film, we're going to have a look at auditing your employability skills. So firstly, why do we need to audit our skills? Well, your degree alone isn't always enough. Many graduate jobs will require you to demonstrate general skills and evidence of what you've done in and out of the classroom, rather than just specific subject knowledge. And this is where the phrase "transferable skills" comes from. So how do you audit your skills? Well, firstly, think about the skills that you need in any workplace. Here are some examples of the kinds of things you might need. But remember that certain jobs may require specific technical skills, for example, computer-aided design or a professional accreditation. Next, choose which of these skills you may be able to offer and try to think of examples of when you've put them into practice. A good way of doing this would be to draw a table with two columns. On the left-hand side, show your skill, and on the right-hand side, examples of when you've used it. Here are some examples that we prepared earlier. Note that these can come from any particular work, placements and internships, studies, or social and sporting activities. Now, have a think about how you can really add some detail to make your skills audit that much more substantial. The STAR technique is a really useful tool to talk about what you've done and illustrate the skills you have used. The STAR stands for situation, task, action, and result. For example, I was working in a coffee shop when a customer shouted at one of my colleagues, which made her burst into tears. As a supervisor, I had to take charge of the situation. I told my...