Hello everybody, this is Scott Woods. Today, we're going to be talking about how to obtain your freight broker authority to become licensed as a property broker with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. A lot of people contact me on a weekly basis, wanting to know about becoming a freight broker. We do a lot of freight broker training and show people how to do the job. However, many people prefer to file for their freight broker authority on their own. I will show you how to get your freight broker authority for free. Don't pay anybody to do this; you are wasting your money. Filing for authority is quick, simple, and doesn't require anything on your part. Now, let's go over the application. All you'll have to do is submit your filing fees and get your surety bond, and you'll have the title of a broker. If you want to learn how to make money in the industry and broker freight, you will need to contact me, as I have extensive knowledge and experience in brokering freight. I can show you how to make a hundred grand or more in your first year. Form OP1 is the application form for motor property carrier and broker authority. You will need to fill out this form if you want to get your own operating authority as a property broker. Today, we will focus on the brokerage part. Section one of the form covers your general information. In the applicant information section, you should fill in your MC number, FF number, or DOT number if you have them. If you don't have any, leave it blank. The legal business name should be the name of your corporation or LLC. In item two, put your legal business name. In item three, put your "doing...