Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: Hey guys, it's Dan with Excel VBA is fun. Welcome back! What I want to go over today is how you can populate a user form. We're just going to create a few fields in a user form - one, two, three fields, two of which are text and one will just make a check. And what we're going to show you how to do is really cool. We're going to trigger it by whenever we click on the row, the user form would pop up. So you click on the row number. Now, we've shown you how to do that with a right-click event in the past, but somebody wanted to know how to do that when you click on the row. And then it'll bring up the user form which will already be populated with Sally green and false in this case. And then you can, let's say, make a simple change and click "Save" and it will repopulate it back onto your data sheet, whether or not this sheet is visible or not. So we're going to review some of those things. Stick with us, and we'll get to it. First thing, of course, is we're going to start in Alt+F11. Alt+F11 gives us to the Visual Basic sheet or editor. We're going to click here and add a new user form. It doesn't have to be too big. I'm gonna make this really kind of crude, and you can download this and play around with it yourself. I'm not even going to put too awful many labels here. I think this one was "Is Parent" - that was a check. And then, okay, fine, I guess I will put some labels here. There's a label, and there's a label. This...
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Fill Form 8815 Worksheet