Oh yeah, Benadryl for drivers. Stay with Melvin as a weapon for 20 individuals. What we're bad Music? Wow, Music Pushpa Zelda Albert, when RPG, we gotta be traveling through town from our point of view. Music, there's one o'clock, haven't seen anything since then. Fucking one, you get on over to your element, gonna let me know when you gather them all up. Music. Maybe other weapon I have never in human history have populations suffered the tyranny of despotic governments more than the 20th century. For every time despots take control, their first aim is to disarm their intended victims. Lesson the 20th century teaches is that governments have killed more people than all of the wars combined because the vast mass of people are previously unarmed. Sometimes it happens overnight, sometimes it takes a few decades, and the establishment will have the arms and the monopoly of arms, and so there's no check or balance on that arbitrary tyranny. And so all tyrants throughout history, including present history, must make sure that the people they have conquered do not have the physical means of resistance. And quite frankly, if the American colonists had not been well-armed, they would never have had their revolution. Since colonial times, Americans have understood this, that a free nation is a function of an armed populace. And the founders reflected these realities in four places in the US Constitution, the most famous being the Second Amendment. This amendment states, "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." When you disarm a population, you leave them open to the worst criminals of all, which are government criminals. There have been more deaths due to the...