Next on the Gospel Bill show, Mr. Ted Water just came by to put your mind at rest. Oh really? And just how are you gonna do that? Well, I figured you'd heard Gospel Bill's left town for a few days and I just wanted you to know who is the best looking and smartest deputy in charge he's ever had, namely me. And if there's anything I can do for you in the next couple of days, don't hesitate to call. Oh man, yeah, you really are something. Put your hands up, it's the Gospel Bill show featuring Gospel Bill, Nicodemus, Elmo's Horns, Miss Lana, Duke, and musical guest BJ Thomas. Well, here I am, armed and ready. Well, Nicodemus, what are you doing with all those guns? Well, your message said you needed me at the jail real quick, so I figured you wanted me to help you round up some desperate outlaws. Listen, I didn't have in mind that you'd bring down the whole Union arsenal. I mean, I only want you to watch the jail for a couple of days. Well, you know what they say, you can never have too many. Well, I haven't seen that many guns on one fella since the Civil War. It's better to be safe, I'm sorry. So, what are you picking up anyway? Well, I got to go down to Alkali Flats. I'm bringing a fella back to Dry Gulch to stand trial. His name is Harry Black, Harry Blanton of the Blanton Brothers gang. Are they really desperate? Oh, they got Harry, Larry, and Gary. And don't they have a sister named Mary? No, no, I wouldn't know that. That's a mean bunch of outlaws. Yeah, well, listen, this guy's not gonna be any trouble because he's already locked up. So,...
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