Hi everybody, my name is Rick and I'm representing Group G. What I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna go ahead and create a navigation form for a navigation of our database. So let's take a quick peek at our net, at our database over here. What this is, this is a representation of nursing units, a database representation of a nursing units scheduling system. So we have our employees, we have the shifts and the shift scheduled requests for time off. We already have our scheduled request form and a few reports that we're going to use. The first step in creating this thing is to go up here to create, then go over here to navigation. And then I like to use horizontal tabs, so we'll go ahead and use that. So these are gonna be our tabs, they are going to go right here. This is a header for the form and then this is the actual name of the form. The first step is we're gonna go ahead and grab our schedule request form and drag it and put it right here. What this is, is this is what employees are going to use to request time off, the schedule, the date, what shift number it is, and their user ID. And the user ID is used to identify the employee, the request, region holidays, whatever. The next thing we're gonna put on there is we're gonna put on this Sarah Thompson request approval report. Now what this is, is Sarah Thompson is an assistant nurse manager, and one of her things that she does is she's usually the one that approves various requests for time off. So we have the shift day, the shift ID, and the employee's name. So if, let's say, you're trying to...