Truly, I have something entirely different to share with you today. It is based on some work that I've done over a long period of time. This is just a subset of a series of popular press articles I'm writing, as well as a case study based on research of others and personal experience. So, while these talks take many different forms, this one is about you, the leaders. Let's make it personal for you: How many of you are students? (Lights should be out, by the way. The glare off my head is blinding.) How many of you have witnessed unethical behavior at school or work? How many of you have been targets? How many of you aren't telling the truth? A Harvard Business Review study revealed that 98% of employees have reported experiencing unethical behavior at work. Sadly, this trend is getting worse as the incidence has doubled since 1998 to 2011. Common forms of unethical behavior at work include being punished in a ance review, having your reputation or opportunities undermined, being yelled or sworn at by your boss or coworkers, and being forced to go along or face consequences. Bullying is also a growing issue in the workplace, with 27% of employees reporting being direct targets and 72% witnessing it. Leaders should care about this issue because it affects employee morale and productivity. In fact, CEO's and executives spend 15% of their time each year dealing with unethical conduct. It's important to note that while unethical behavior is not illegal, it still has a significant impact on the workplace. As Eric Holder, the former U.S. Attorney General, stated, much of the behavior leading to the financial crisis was unethical but not illegal. This highlights the difference between legal and ethical liability. Only a small fraction of...
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