Hey, what's up guys? I'm Buddy here and today I'm back on the 7.3 PTR because I goofed up yesterday and some of you guys noticed and told me. Thanks for letting me know because I had no idea. Apparently, I was using a glyph that made my shadow form look like the old version instead of the new one. We actually have a new shadow form and a new void form now. In this video, I'm going to show you my mount having a seizure. How amazing is that? Let's get straight to the point. This is our new shadow form in 7.3. Check it out. So, what do you guys think? It's definitely up to personal preference. Personally, I liked the pitch black transparent shadow form from before Legion. But I understand that some people might like this new one. I'm not a huge fan of it, but that's just me. I'm also going to show you our new void form. If you remember, the old one looked like this, but without any glyphs now, it actually changes your void form. There's one more thing that changes, and I'm going to show you right now. Shadow form is supposed to go darker as you gain more insanity, but on PTR, it seems to be bugged. You'll see that whenever I reach 25, 50, and 75 insanity, it briefly goes darker with a special effect, but then goes back to normal. It doesn't go any darker than this, and I think it should. Now let me show you the new void form. It's very blue compared to the one with the glyph. That's a big difference. The tentacles also look different, and I actually quite like the new ones. But again, it all comes down to personal preference. Now,...
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