Let me go - JJ corners from Arkansas. Hi Jay, I got three questions in one problem, okay, but we still got two years. Mister Obama didn't mention that he's our cousin, that's true. More years, that's true. And then the funny thing is cattle prices. I do a lot of cattle in the now way. I haven't seen all thing I've seen is he'd go up. I mean, that's all I've seen out there. He's run small herds, he just keeps going up. Ee Bonds is my question. Okay, I bought a double D barn back in LA '09 and 2000. I was under the impression that after so many years, they were supposed to be fully healed, was supposed to meet up safety by 100. He bought it at 58, after seven years it's posted a hundred, and he goes to the interest. I haven't even hit that. And you find that, well, they keep changing the bar. They keep moving, they keep moving in, don't on a daily basis. By the way J, so you know they, they so they earn interest. Here's how it used to be: that you could Bank on. You used to be able to bank on the fact that they continue to earn for 30 years after 7 or 12 years, depending on what kind of bond it was. It was face value, in other words, you bought a hundred dollar bond for 50 bucks, and you know at the end of seven years it was worth a hundred. But they keep changing that, keeps moving, and it continually moves. So I don't even know what it is now, like I don't how long have you had it. Okay, so I mean, are they at face and close to face value yet?...
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