Said a lot about the role of the media in a so-called down democracy. - I'm wondering how you see the role of our educational system, what it's doing right now, what forces are driving it, and what constraints are on it, and how should it operate well. - I quoted the trilateral commission view of the educational system, namely it's a system of indoctrination of the young, and I think that's correct. - It's a system of indoctrination of the young. - That was the way the liberal elites regarded, and they're more or less accurate. - So, the educational system is supposed to train people to be obedient conformists, not think too much, which told stay passive, don't cause any crisis in a democracy, don't raise any questions, and so on. - That's basically what the system is about. - Even the fact that the system has a lot of stupidity in it, I think has a function. - You know, it means that people are filtered out for obedience. - If you can guarantee lots of stupidity in the educational system, you know, like stupid assignments and things like that, you know that the only people who make it through are people like me and like most of you, I guess, who are willing to do it no matter how stupid it is because we'll we want to go to the next step. - You know, so you may know that this assignment is idiotic and the guy up there couldn't think his way out of a paper bag, but you'll do it anyway because that's the way you get to the VIX class and you want to make it and so on and so forth. - Well, there are people who don't do that, you know,...
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