Hi guys, welcome to Vintage On Tap. My name is Bianca. If you're a brand new visitor to the channel, I make sewing videos and show you guys the behind-the-scenes process of sewing. If you're a returning viewer, welcome back. This video is a continuation of my series on vintage 1980 coat dress. If you haven't already seen the intro video, please go ahead and check that out before watching this one. In this particular video, we're going to be diving into the fitting process. Now, as I mentioned in the intro, I'm going to be showing how to fit this dress to my body. If you have different proportions and measurements than myself, that's totally okay. I still recommend watching the video though, just because it gives you a reference point of some of the changes that you may have to make. Granted, your changes may be completely different than mine, and even the changes that I make might be different from yours if you have to do similar adjustments. But the point is, you want to get a holistic point of view on how people approach it. My fitting video might be different from someone else's fitting video, so the more perspectives you can get on this, the better. That's at least how I always learn. Before beginning the process though, I would recommend cutting off the skirt portion of the bodice, just because it is a long dress. So, I cut mine off at the hip line, which I did not do in the main part of this video. But I cut my bodice top at the hip line and then got started from there. Now, let's go through the process. First things first, make the muslin straight from the pattern. In my case, you can see that it...