Today, let's talk about cute, funny, and awe-inspiring images. Specifically, we will discuss how computers store images. With the proliferation of smartphones and computers, we capture numerous images daily. In this video, we will explore the fascinating process of storing these images. By watching till the end, you will discover something truly magical about computer image storage. Now, let's delve into the topic. Imagine taking a picture of adorable puppies. How does this image get stored inside a computer? We aim to bridge the gap and understand the process. To begin, I drew inspiration from Hollywood. Here, I found an image related to "The Matrix" movie, as well as an image representing a computer programmer or hacker, often shown during evening news segments discussing these topics. Pause the video for a moment and see if you can find any similarities between these two images. You may have noticed both images contain numbers, particularly ones and zeros. Hollywood wants us to believe that computers store images as ones and zeros, and surprisingly, they are right. The stereotype holds true. The image of puppies you see on-screen is merely a representation of ones and zeros. Now, let's explore how a beautiful mosaic-like image is reduced to a binary code. Our discussion starts with a simple image, like a cup. I chose this image because it allows for easier explanation of how images are stored in computers. Let's add a grid to the cup image for easier reference. Each square or "pixel" represents the smallest element in a picture. Hence, the term "pixel" originates from combining the words "picture" and "element." The cup image has a height of 12 pixels and a width of 16 pixels, resulting in a total of 192 pixels. Focus on the top left pixel, indicated by a green arrow. The computer identifies...