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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Where Form 8815 Wages

Instructions and Help about Where Form 8815 Wages

Hey, it's Linda Rainer of Linda Raynor, a career strategist, speaker, and coach. In this video, I'm going to teach you six tips that will help you negotiate a higher salary for yourself. Whether you've just been given a new job offer or you're wanting to ask for a raise, if you know that you deserve more than what you're currently getting, you definitely want to keep the following tips in mind. Alright, so let's dive into tip number one. The first tip is to talk about your value. Personally, I think this is the most important tip, which is why I put it first. In order to justify a bump in salary for yourself, you need to know what your value is and how to articulate that to your boss or manager. That means bringing up any evidence that proves why you're worth what you're worth. For example, you can bring up instances where you've helped the company increase profitability, reduce costs, or save time in certain areas. You also want to mention any recognition you've received as a strong er. It's important to have a list of these items in mind so that you can clearly explain them during the meeting. Be assertive and tactful when explaining yourself, but also remain calm and confident. When you can present your case in a relaxed yet confident way, they will have no choice but to listen to what you're saying, which will help you get closer to that salary increase. Moving on to tip number two, do market research. While you're figuring out your value, you also need to know what the market is paying for someone with your credentials and level of experience. This means talking to headhunters, recruiters, and people you know who have similar job titles and experience. You...