You know the card they bring money to the bank? - Yes, what part did you rob, the truck or the bank? - I robbed the truck. - How did you do that? How did you know all the difference between all this stuff? I watch movies. - Hi, what's your name? I'm Jesse. - I'm Anthony, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too. My name is Celine. - Nice to meet you. Why are you dressed so professionally? Like that coat, you look very professional. - Okay, so what are we here to talk about now? - What do you think? You know why you're here? - I do. Why are we here? Because of something that you did in 2008. I am a bank robber. - I was a bank robber. You're a big robber, basically a bit... well, kind of a bank robber. - I was addicted to drugs. Now, that's a whole different story. So, it made me really, really think kind of... stupid. - Why did you say a bad word? What did I say? Stupid, I did. Look, I wasn't very smart during the robbery. Were you on drugs? I was always on drugs. - What part did you rob, the truck or the bank? I rubbed the truck. - How did you do that? How did you know all the difference between all this stuff? I watch movies. - Okay, well yes, I robbed a Brinks armored car. Society idealizes good heist movies, like Ocean's Eleven or Thomas Crown. Great movies. I was kind of too fascinated in your story. - Yeah, it's probably not a good thing. What is exactly your story? - I placed an ad like I was an employer for people to show up at the bank at the same time. And when people responded saying yes, I'd like the job, I wrote back...