Hello, the Federal Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) created these videos to help you learn more about participating in research. Deciding if you want to volunteer in research can be difficult, and that decision can have important consequences. To help you think it through, this video suggests questions you might want to ask the researchers and reminds you that your participation is voluntary. There are many different types of research, and the type of procedures done affect the risks involved, if any. The following questions might be helpful to consider when you meet with a researcher to learn about volunteering for a study: 1. What is the study about? 2. What would you have to do as part of the research? The researchers should be able to explain in a clear and easy-to-understand way why they are doing the study, why you are being asked to participate, and what you should expect. You might also want to ask: 1. How much time will it take? 2. Will there be any risks or unpleasant side effects? 3. Who will have access to your private information, and how will it be protected? 4. If it is a medical study, how will this differ from your usual care? Having a clear understanding of the study and any associated risks is critical to making an informed decision. Aside from understanding what the research involves, you should also find out whether participating will help you personally. For example, whether participating might help you with better monitoring of your disease. Researchers are required to tell you about the risks and potential benefits, even if the main reason you want to volunteer is to help others. It's still reasonable to find out if taking part in the research may help you in some way. But remember, if the research is finding out whether an intervention works,...
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