Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: 1. All right, good morning everybody. So, I'm going to talk about career advice. My topic? I want to push back a little bit on some of the ideas that we assume are true, don't question much anymore, and I'm going to try to replace them with some ideas that I think the evidence actually supports better. And I figured being at the right place to start would be saying controversial things about Steve Jobs, so I think that's a good place for us to get going. 2. So, in particular, I want to talk about the summer, early summer of 2005 when Steve Jobs took the podium at Stanford Stadium to give his commencement address to the graduating class at Stanford. Okay, so this is kind of a big deal because Jobs did not give a lot of these sort of personal, reflective talks. It wasn't really his style. But he did give this talk. He came, he did wear sandals under his robe, but he did come and he gave this talk, and it was a good one. And if you look at say YouTube views, and I think that's the authoritative way of ranking social impact, the two videos of this talk have six million views. So, this was an important talk. It went really far. 3. So, he had a lot of points that he made, but I went back and looked at the social media reactions and the news reactions that immediately surrounded the talk's release, and what you could see is there was one point in particular that seemed to get people excited. And that's about halfway through this feature, he says, "You have to do what you love. If you haven't found that yet, keep looking. Don't settle." 4....
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