Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: - What's up guys jeff cavaliere athleanx.com we're talking dead lifts today one of the best exercises you can do if you do it right - So we're breaking out the checklist so we can break this down step by step and make sure that you do okay - Any good deadlift starts with how you prepare your body to do it before you even do the exercise - So a couple things that I do there's two considerations here - Number one you've got to have the feeling that you can actually get to this bar and do this exercise properly - So what I do is just a quick little routine to feel nice and loose as I put my feet up against the insides of the plates and I use them to stretch out my adductors in my groin because we know if you're going to be driving your knees out as you should be as you'll see when you press this bar off the ground and pull it off the ground - And I say press because that's a key difference to you're going to want to make sure that you have adequate flexibility here through your adductors - The next thing I do is I feel as if I want to keep my hamstrings engaged and I also want to have my pelvis in the right position - So I really know or were dear to grab the bar and I try to get myself into an anterior pelvic tilt so I'm trying to rotate my pelvis all the way down till it's facing the ground - Okay all the way down point your junk down to the ground keep your hands on the bar and then keep...