Music what is up guys my name is Darrow and today I'm gonna show you all something really cool I'm gonna show you all how you can add an announcement bar to your WordPress websites now in addition to this announcement bar I'm gonna show you how you can have pop-ups like this for free on your WordPress websites now they also have tons of really cool templates and beautiful designs so I'm going to show you all how you can add this to your WordPress website now if you guys don't have a pop-up or an announcement bar guys I recommend getting it because these things actually convert like crazy people really do sign up and click on those announcement bars so let me give you all the name of the plug-in so I'm go to my dashboard right here alright I'm gonna go to my plugins and go to add new all rights now over here I'm going to type in ice creeeeam that's the name of the plug-in ice creeeeam so right here you can see it has the pop-ups welcome bar opt-in and leads so guys this has a lot more than just announcement bars and you know email captures it has like even like a bottom contact little announcement form they have so many really cool features and templates and it's a free plugin so go ahead and install and activate it and I'm gonna show you all how to use it and set it up so when you install this on the left side right here you'll see ice creeeeam let me go to campaigns now right here I have two campaigns running so this one right here is actually my announcement bar and this is my pop-up and they have a lot of...