Look, a Luger Kaluga is not yet finished. You know, there are still some millions of your 2:52 to finish, so I don't think it's a question but has a concern. Does anyone have concern because you will not cease at Yoga? We have to understand what is Yoga. We have to understand what is Kaluga and what is Dwama. What is raita? You guys are not rotating, you know. Now you can say, "I used to be in cold yoga, that's why all these things are happening." You know, it's not true. Joe's mind, which is centered in God, we are in such yoga because God is alive for them. They see God, they perceive the divine. If you are set for in a civil for a saint, it's the same thing. Yes, I meet him every day. I talk with him every day and this is the effect of such where you can perceive the divine at all times. You feel his love at all times. Now, then you have the effect of Gorka Luke within deep Kaluga, which is the crazy mind, you know, the suicide bombers and so on. And then you have Drita, and while at the same time, the and the Nestea, for example, in Dwarka yoke, the time of Krishna, when they were pulling Draupadi by her hair, dragging her to the court, you know, what kind of act was that? Was it not an act of Kaliyuga? So, Calliope was also there. So, you see, all you guys rotate at the same time. And now, right now, do you guys understand what is going on? It is DWELL that is different. You guys together, for the devotees, it is a joke because I meet him every day. The feeling, they realize him....