Hi I'm Jackie brainy marketing director with savings bonds calm where your bonds talked to you the Treasury started to offer a fixed interest rate on bonds on series ee bonds that were issued on and after May 1st 2025 the fixed rate will apply for the first 20 years of each bond after 20 years the bond is guaranteed to be worth its face value which is the amount printed on the front of your bond the bond will then automatically go into a ten-year extension during this extension the government reserves the right to make changes at their discretion to get your free savings bond values with a complimentary color-coded personalized savings bond inventory report go to WWE vs bonds comm forward slash calc that's w w savings bonds comm forward slash kelp you.
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To exclude interest from a series ee or i bond in 2025 Form: What You Should Know
Taxes on Savings Bonds — Form 8861 & More | H&R Block Is it taxable to sell savings bonds after I cashed them in? No. Interest in bonds you own and any you gain later are taxable. Can you include the interest earnings on bond I cashed in If you cashed a Series EE bonds in 2025 that was issued after 1989, you should have received all tax-effected interest earnings on this bond? If you still have any interest earnings that you can exclude from income, you'll generally be able to include the interest earnings on this bond in your income for the year that you cashed it. If you didn't have a Series EE bonds in 2017, you'll be allowed to include the interest earnings from these bonds in your income for the year you received them instead of the year you realized the tax-effected interest. What are the rules for determining the amount of any interest I can exclude? To figure the exclusion amount on your interest earnings from Series EE and I bond: From the date bonds were issued: In 2017, the interest earnings from Series EE bonds and Series I bond will be taxable to you. From the date you cashed the bonds: Interest earnings from Series EE bonds and Series I bond will become taxable on your tax return for the year you cashed them. The taxable amount will then be divided by 2 x the number of years after issue, to get the full exclusion amount for the year for the bonds. (If you cashed bonds at the end of 2025 or earlier, you'll get only the part of the exclusion for the year for which the bonds were issued.) From the date your earnings were realized on the bonds: You may deduct the full amount of the exclusion amount in your year-end income. When you do this, you'll treat the 2,000 a year as interest for the year. You can then keep the entire exclusion amount in the year-end taxable income for years 2025 and in subsequent years. See Form 8949 (see page 2 of the instructions for Form 8949) for information on how you figure Form 8949. See Publication 935 (see pages 2 and 8 of this publication) for further details and definitions.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing To exclude interest from a series ee or i bond in 2025